Jewel Cave National Monument & Wind Cave National Park
These two separate parks are very close together. It is easy to visit both in a single day, and both are worth seeing. I am not sure why only Wind Cave has National Park status but it might be the extensive above ground area with wildlife and vistas. The caves are toured with a ranger, and they each have distinct characteristics and unique information presented.
Jewel Cave was named in the early 1900’s because of the calcite crystals that sparkled like jewels in the lantern light. It became protected by the government in 1908, and in 1939 the Park Service began offering tours. Later a VC and elevators were added. Until 1959, only two miles of passages were known. More recent explorations have now revealed over 208 miles; it currently ranks as the third largest cave in the world. You can join four day explorations every year as they continue to map the cave. Our tour was mainly confined to a very large space reached by a 24 story elevator descent. It is a constant 49 degrees in the cave.
Wind Cave is one of the longest and most complex caves in the world, and it has been very important to the native American cultures. Above ground are more than 30 miles of trails, lots of birds and animals, and both prairie and woodland ecosystems. You can walk to the “natural” entrance to the cave where it is easy to feel the cool wind streaming out of the cave. This tour enters through an air lock system, and the descent into the cave is by way of steps - quite a few of them - the lighting is very low so it is occasionally difficult to see your footing. Rare boxwork formations are seen on the ceilings.
Southwestern South Dakota is a beautiful place with much to see. We came back to the grasslands at Wind Cave for a nice sunset.
We had a great dinner at the Black Hills Burger and Bun Co in the town of Custer. We also visited Mount Rushmore between the two cave experiences. We camped at the KOA nearby in retrospect we wish we had stayed at Custer State Park. KOA was ok but pretty expensive.
Cadillac’s Viewpoint: I do NOT do caves like this. I am not a ground hog and simply refuse to act like one. Cadillac’s Elevation 0 Antler
One of the large rooms in Jewel Cave
Platforms in the Jewel Cave
Grasslands over the Wind Cave National Park
The “natural” entrance to Wind Cave