King's Canyon by Dave Hileman

One of the fast running rivers we encountered this spring with the near record snowpack melting. This is in King's Canyon National Park. A very nice drive deep into the canyon and then ending at a nice place to hike around a large meadow. It was flooded so we were not able to hike the circuit but had to do an "out and back."

The Playwright by Dave Hileman

One of the National Park sites we visited this Spring was the home of Eugene O'Neil near San Francisco. It is one of the least visited of the 417 parks in the system because you must make a reservation and be shuttled onto the property. It was well worth the time. This Bird of Paradise is near the front door of the house. 

Gunnison River "Way Down There" by Dave Hileman

The Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a narrow slash in the rock that is merely 40 feet wide at the river at certain points and that was completely full of water side to side when we were there. It is also very deep so that it receives on 33 minutes of sunlight at the base. One person said nothing matches if for "depth, sheerness, narrowness, darkness, and dread of the Black Canyon."

Rail by Dave Hileman

This is Moro Rock at Sequoia National Park. It was quite a walk and lots of steps with rather steep drop-offs. It is nice to have a railing.

"Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil."                                                Psalm 119:133 NLT

UP by Dave Hileman

This is the road to the crest of the mountain pass at Coronado National Monument. It was a remote and desolate spot in Arizona. 

Mingo Falls by Dave Hileman

One of the tallest waterfalls in the East at 180 feet this falls is about five miles from Cherokee just south of the Smokies but outside the boundary of the National Park. It is only a short walk from the road but up lots of steps. 

I never know... by Dave Hileman

if this is a rhododendron or a mountain laurel or if they are two names for the same plant. But I love these blooms along the paths and roads in the Blue Ridge and the Smokies. 

And Baby Too by Dave Hileman

It was a bit frustrating to try and get a decent photo of this elk mother and her newborn because the grass was taller than the baby and they were 100 yards away. I even stood on the truck, that may be this shot, not sure. But it was very neat to see, at Smoky Mountain National Park. Look closely to the right of the mother elk. 

Smidgeon by Dave Hileman

"A small portion" This is just one small canyon at the Colorado National Monument in Western Colorado. I did not even know there was a Colorado etc. And it was huge and quite striking. The drive is across the top of the ridge but to get there you climb up a switch back, tunnel filled, narrow road that tests the limits of pulling a trailer. But I would love to go back. 

Heritage by Dave Hileman

This is a small pond at Johnson University where I did my undergraduate work. It is a beautiful place on a bluff overlooking the French Broad River. The school has three locations including this main one in Tennessee. I am grateful for the excellent teaching and examples of faith learned ... or at least offered here. 

"To the faithful you show yourself faithful;
to those with integrity you show integrity." Psalm 18:25 NLT

Superior Time by Dave Hileman

On Tuesday I was able to spend a while with my grandson as we went on a photo walk. He wanted to shoot some long exposure shots so this in one area we went to catch the traffic lights. The photo is from an overpass on 440 shot about one minute. The very best part is spending time with him, a delight. And learning more than I about photography. Looking forward to the next evening. 

Shear by Dave Hileman

According to the sign at the site, this is the highest shear wall of rock in the US. If the Empire State building began at the bottom it would not reach half-way up the cliff. This is at the Black Canyon of the Gunison in Colorado. 

Positive by Dave Hileman

This plant is found in the White Sands of New Mexico. If you were to reach into the plant, it would be painful as there are many rows of tiny thorns. I think people mistakenly think faith is like that, waiting to trap them. Christian faith is open, positive and enriching. 

"In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:5-8 NLT

Thanks, Gregg by Dave Hileman

I am speaking at the funeral of one of my closest and most influential friends today. It is bittersweet, already miss him but grateful he no longer is suffering and in pain. It was from Gregg that I learned about bird watching, a now life-long activity. It was Gregg's skill as a photographer that inspired me to take up shooting photos - a bit later than I would have preferred. He helped me "see" the natural world not just pass through it. Both of these have enriched my life. He was in the hospital parking lot early in the morning when Cindy and I arrived for the birth of our first son, Geof, guarding the closest spot until we got there. He was "uncle" to both our boys and a loyal, endearing friend. 


He loved Kansas and especially the tall grass prairie and the Flint Hills. Cindy and I were able to stop and walk the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve in Kansas this Spring. I, too, saw the beauty there. And, I both photographed this bird and added it as a new one to my life-list. It is a Dickcissel but for me it will be Gregg's bird.