This is one of the musicians from KnoxCAM waiting for the buses to load for the concert in Kentucky. There was a persistent rain all day that made loading the equipment a bit more difficult. Everyone was prepared for the rain, not all as fashionable as this lovely lady. Lots more information here:
Pause /
Stop and smell the flowers we are told. Step out of being so busy we don’t recognize what is occurring around us and often even miss the people God brings into our path. If you need a break today, pause for a moment and be grateful for this day.
Eclipse Watchers /
Please note I did not say I even eclipsed yesterday’s photo. Oh the restraint. These folks (and pups) were at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, NC.
It was hard but... /
I was able to eclipse yesterday’s photo.
Portrait Project # 17 & 18 /
Meet Jim and Jocelyn from Iowa. What a delightful couple. We met on the dock at Silver Springs State Park in Florida as we both tried to identify some birds. Eventually we did and then we just visited a bit. I was in their area a few times so we talked about Pella, Iowa and the excellent bakery! Nothing brings people together better than sharing good food, across the table or just in our minds. They are recently retired but Jim makes large grills, like you would use if you were a BBQ caterer for example. You can find out more and order one here:
Sunday Scripture: Photo is from Silver Springs State Park in Florida /
Did you spot the bird?
Shaping Glass /
At Disney Springs in Orlando, Florida, you can watch skilled men and women making glass pieces at the Crystal Arts by Arribas Brothers. They range from small pieces like figurines and ornaments to a glass castle for thousands of dollars. They are glad to answer questions and fun to watch the glass become small art pieces.
Fort Caroline Part Two /
From the web site about the fort: “Three hundred colonists left France to establish a permanent settlement in North America. Included were some of the leading families of France, wearing gilded armor and brightly colored clothes. Other representatives of French society included artisans to provide entertainment and produce drawings, and laborers to build the fort. The desire for permanency was illustrated by the inclusion of women, of whom at least four had husbands.” A full history is told here:
Fort Caroline /
This fort, a National Monument, was begun by the French in 1564 and ended about 18 months later when the Spanish attacked the settlement and killed 80% of the colonists sparring only some women and children. The reconstructed fort is part of the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve one of the 428 units of the National Park Service. This is not a new park for me but a re-visit.
Toot /
Driving across the Cumberland Plateau on our way to the Ozone Falls we saw this interesting old wooden trestle. As I approached the tracks a distant train whistle sounded and a few minutes later this engine, with an interesting livery, appeared pulling several car. Lhoist is, among other things, is a mining concern. This line is only 15 miles but it serves a vital link from one of their major mines to an interchange for other main line rail service. The wooden trestles are more sturdy and there are more of them than I knew, according to at least one railfan.
Portrait Project #20 /
This one bends the rules a bit but then I made the rules. I did meet Jean for the first time so, technically a stranger. However I met her in her home for dinner along with her family. They are dear friends of Jill. But back to Jean. She is a gem: sharp, witty, wise, beautiful and funny. Oh, and past the mid point of her 90’s. (The Sunday I met her was her 96th birthday.) She has a sparkle that rushes from her smile to your heart. She will reminisce with you, recalling details decades old about life in Flat Rock, or talk about the latest event or the UT basketball score. She still cooks but not as much as in years past, but when she does you are in for a treat. Ask me about her strawberry pie or the award winning lemon pie we had last week (her recipe, but her daughter-in-law, Marilyn, made this one). Perfect. She lives alone with a bit of help and more from her daughter and her son and daughter-in-law. They gather each Sunday for dinner along with a few friends, including Jill. So, I too was invited for the excellent meal and good conversation. A table made all the more lively with Jean at the head.
Another Cumberland Falls /
This one, Phullium Cascade, is in the Cumberland Mountain State Park and it was the object of our hike that day that we chose not to climb down to Ozone, the 100 foot falls I posted Saturday. This waterfall is not as high, only about 24 feet, but it was roaring after the recent rains and the wind was blowing spray into my lens so I had to constantly clean the lens to get a shot of any kind. There were some hikers on the ledge when we first arrived and I wanted to get them in the shot but they left just as we came into view of the falls.
Of course, this could all be conjecture since the actual hight of the falls should have been given in inches. What day is this again?
Sunday Scripture: Photo is from Cumberland Homestead, a 1930's home. /
100 Feet /
That is how high the top of the waterfall, by the lady in red is from the splansh zone below. This is Ozone Falls in the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. It is a short drive from I-40 and a very short walk once you get to the parking area. You can also hike to the bottom. As Jill and I had other plans for hiking later that day we decided this would be “another” time.
Congratulations /
From a bridge at the Seven Islands Birding Park Jii and I noticed a couple along the river and as we watched it unfolded that he was proposing. I took some photos of Joshua and Hannah and gave them to them after. It was a sweet event we were able to witness. We wish them well in the new journey together.
Knoxville Christian Arts Ministry (5 photos) /
KnoxCAM is a group of musicians (instrument and vocal), dancers, actors and support crew who share the message of Christ through the music and original dramas written and arranged by the director, Jill Lagerberg. I was privileged to travel with the group to a small Kentucky town for a benefit concert to support a local food distribution program. I will share some photos next week of the whole event but for today, Jill, the Director of KnoxCAM, in the midst of the performance.
Jill, hard at work directing an exuberant section of the program. Her deep faith is the creative spark behind KnoxCAM. (And dare I say she is beautiful as well!)
The Soft Side of Spring /
Wandering in the gardens of the University of Tennessee’s Botanical Gardens was a treat in the early spring. The weather was a bit nippy with a wind off the river but flowering trees and the first of the bright and colorful flowers were starting to emerge and a few ferns just showing the tips of the fiddleheads. I loved the color of these Lenten Roses in the overcast light of the morning.
Portrait Project #19 /
You may well ask what happened to 15-18? Well, 15 is too young even through his father gave permission, I just don’t feel good about him, but he counts. If you recall the brief on the project, I suggested than that not all are going to be posted. The next three have their information on my desk and my desk if 350 miles away. So meet Hannah. She is a super cool young woman who was working at the UT Creamery. Yes, the UT Creamery is back. It began in 1915 but about the time I moved to Knoxville for school, it closed. Now reopened and better than ever. Had a scoop of peppermint with dark chocolate pieces. Whoa Nellie, good.
Now about Hannah, she is a vocal major at UT specializing in opera! So I will be going to see her with Jill in mid April. It will be my first opera and I already know a star. I took a photo sans hat but I thought she looked very cute with the hat, so it is posted. Best wishes to Hannah for a long, fruitful career and thanks for letting me take your portrait.
Art v Life /
At the top of a small hill at the North Carolina Museum of Art is an outdoor art installation and mirroring that work from across the street is a crane working on a new building for the medical community. Art imitates Life or Life imitates Art, your choice. You may assign the bird to either.