On the first of July 1863 an engagement that both sides knew was coming soon and neither side expected to occur in Gettysburg began toward those mountains in the distance on the West side of Gettysburg. Initial skirmishes turned into full scale battles as both sides rushed additional troops to the field. The Union stubbornly held ground against a much larger force until General Reynolds was killed and the command suffered while the South exploited the opportunity and the Union retreated in a disorderly fashion through the small town of Gettysburg finally rallying on Culps Hill where this photo was taken. The Union line anchored here tenuously and then in an arc to Cemetery Ridge and extended a mile or more. The South held the town and Seminary Ridge 1 mile away and parallel to the Union and the night ended the major fighting but not the maneuvering as more troops arrived for both sides and took up positions.
Some first day positions are marked by monuments in the distance.
First day’s battle began a mile from here and flollowed the road between the barn and the statue of General Reynolds. Willoughby Run, the creek in front of the fence, was the last stand before the Union line broke and ran. The small stone building will be Lee’s first headquarters.