Keeneland .4 by Dave Hileman

Let us begin today’s post with a riddle. Ready? What has 12 legs, 8 eyes, and hovers over the earth?

The answer is the last photo today.

Keeneland, like all other places in the US where a tourist may venture, has a gift shop. Unlike many of those places, the quality and the prices are not the normal fare. Well the prices might be Disney-esk, but the quality exceeds what you will see anywhere that sells T-shirts. I mean $80 ties and special edition vodka at several hundred dollars is not what you would find at DollyWood. You can get an unimaginable array of goods with the Keeneland logo, or horse-themed clothes, or bibelots of all sorts. And bourbon, naturally.

I would also be remiss if I did not single out the wonderful breakfast we had at the Track Kitchen. What a nice experience. Good food, well-priced, friendly and helpful staff, and a pleasant atmosphere. Plus all the coffee you can drink for $2, or maybe it was one dollar. We ate eggs, bacon, potatoes, grits, apples, and biscuits for $6.50. And it was good. You could even have cheese on your eggs or gravy on your biscuits, though why anyone would ever do such a thing is beyond my comprehension.

Keeneland was so much fun that Jill and I are considering attending a race day. The price is just a few dollars, and I really want another shot at photographing the early morning experience there, as I now have a much better idea of how and when and what to do. I also met a fellow photographer there and we had mutual acquaintances, though I knew them very casually while Neil was a long term friend. Turns out he is from Bloomington where Jill’s daughter and son-in-law just moved so we made a plan for coffee the next time we visit in Indiana. His site is: or another of Neil’s is

All in all a most delightful morning.

Keeneland .3 by Dave Hileman

I have visited only one race track (for horses!) in my life, but what a choice. Keeneland is a jewel of a venue on 147 manicured acres, sporting white fences and trim with deep green colors on the buildings, striking architecture, and two race tracks. The first one is a dirt oval of just over a mile - races are set by the movable starting gate so they end at the same place but are run in many different lengths. The second track is a slightly smaller turf oval inside the other one, installed for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II. Keeneland is on the National Register of Historic Places and was voted by industry insiders as the number one track in the United States. You might have seen it if you watched the movie Seabiscuit, the 2005 movie Dreamer, or the 2010 movie Secretariat.

We saw a lot of work going on, as there were people painting, cleaning, cutting grass and working on the track. Quite a lot of work to prepare and maintain these places for the two racing months, October and April. The fall and the spring offer different kinds of racing. The track also hosts auctions, with the one in the fall featuring one-year-olds. If you plan now you can get in on the bidding for one of the 4396 horses registered to be sold in September. The auction will take in about $50,000,000 dollars, a percentage of which stays with the track.

Keeneland .2 by Dave Hileman

I have seen enough old black and while movies to know that you can bet on the horses. Or if you prefer color, The Sting. I also know enough that it is not likely to be the best investment you can make. In fact, if the movies are true, some guy named Lou is going to show up and make sure you pay in full. So, I would suggest a mutual fund instead; there you will get some guy named Dwight Parker III and he will just buy you lunch, a better choice.

Actually, while not really a good investment, I think it is much less certain that you will meet Lou if you bet on a horse at Keeneland. And there are LOTS of windows to do so, dozens and dozens. Plus they offer helpful tips - a large section on the website describes how to wager, plus lots of information on the actual horses who will race, and it is a parimutuel betting system. What is that you ask? According to people who actually know: “With very limited exceptions, a horseplayer bets against other bettors, whereas a typical casino gambler is betting against the house. I.e., when I win, you’re more likely to have lost and vice versa. This is important because understanding how other people bet can be as much of an edge as understanding how and who to bet.” This removes the odds being set by bookmakers and allows the pool of bettors to determine the odds. A more fair system, according to what I have read, and popularized in the US by Keeneland, which has offered only this type of betting since its beginning in 1936.

I would never bet on anything anytime, but if you choose to do so, this would be a fun way to “invest” in the outcome of a race. Or so I am told. Make sure you take your lucky horseshoe!

Horses, who would've thought by Dave Hileman

I have no affinity for horses, not since the Gruesome Horse Incident of ‘68. Four friends of mine suggested we go ride horses at one of those pay-and-follow-a-trail-for-an-hour places. So they each got a nice, small, friendly horse. Think Snoopy or a Care Bear. The owner, Cruella de Vil’s husband I am sure, dragged a foaming monster of a horse out of the barn, think the Apocalypse, and set me upon it, high above the clouds. He gave this instruction, “When he tries to bite you, kick him and he will eventually quit.” Lovely. Off we go until my horse said, “Nope, not going on this trip,” and trotted back to the barn, whereupon Mr de Vil grabbed the rein, pulled Thunder down the trail and picked up a small board that had fallen off a fence and swatted his behind. Off we took running with me bouncing up when I should have been going down and vise versa until we reached the deep woods. My friends were gently bobbing along atop their mounts while Pestilence reluctantly joined the end of the line. Again, after two minutes of grudgingly walking along, Tornado turns into the woods and runs for home, trying to knock me off by hitting his side into trees. I hung on but lost my glasses, tore my jacket and when we got back - into the stall - no stopping at the edge this time, I jumped off before any more death defying rides. Not been on a horse since.

So imagine my surprise as Jill and I went to the Keeneland Race Track near Lexington, Kentucky and survived. It was quite nice and a great morning. The grounds were beautiful and you could roam wherever you liked, along the track, grandstands, paddocks, barns, and we even ate breakfast where the jockeys and staff gather at the Track Restaurant. Photo opps everywhere. The horses are worked out in the morning from about seven to ten. And you can go watch. For Free! There were a host of people mowing, painting, cleaning and preparing for the fall races in October and a huge horse auction in September. Lots more on the morning this week.

Thanks for choosing to spend a bit of time with Two Lane Touring. We have been on a 2-week break after 11 years but we are back to regular posts with some new twists that you can read about on the TLT Story.

Welcome by Dave Hileman

Two Lane Touring took a two week hiatus but posting resumes Monday the 19th. Who knows, in another 11 years we may need a second two-week break. I hope you will read the TLT Story on the site as it will share more of the plans here. I had thought about changing the format - I did lighten the background, but it is a much more extensive effort than I could do in the time available last week. I did look at several other templates but not enough to know how they might look. I am working on a new logo. This week is the first of the theme weeks but that too will be more complete as the idea matures. So for the first theme you will find, horses. Yes, really, horses. Next week you will see wedding photos and you don’t want to miss those as there will be four actual photographers’ work shared here, so good photos. The following week will be National Parks. We are off with the new process and, indeed, the next three Saturdays at least we have food. Plus Sunday Scripture resumes on the 25th of August.

We have been busy little bees preparing Two Lane Touring for the next phase.

Photo: Waveland State Historic site, near Lexington, KY Fuji X-T5, 16-80mm lens at 43mm, f5.6, iso 400, 1/250.

Sunday Scripture: Photo from Florida by Dave Hileman

The blog is on hiatus and will resume on August 19th with a new posting schedule. Two Lane Touring is also undergoing a refreshed format - or at least that is the plan. All this was in the planning/thinking stage but it is precipitated now because :”Jill and Dave are getting Married” - Today! (a few wedding photos “may” slip into the stream here over the next two weeks, may! Blessings!

Busy Busy Busy by Dave Hileman

Going about lots of tasks and lots of hours of activity preparing for the wedding on Sunday. Thanks for reading, looking, commenting - I appreciate each one of you. There will be a post tomorrow and then see you on the 19th of August with “maybe” a few wedding photos along the way till then. Blessings to all.

Rose at the UT botanical garden, an early date local with Jill.

Oh,Look Another Member of.... by Dave Hileman

…maybe we will just let that trope drop. These orchids are truly beautiful and many have jewel like qualities. These were al photographed at the Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania in the orchid room. It is located currently in the back portion of the magnificent glass conservatory that is the process of being enlarged. They have about 2,000 varieties with more than 500 often on display at a time.

The Nefarious Plans of the Orchids Exposed by Dave Hileman

While they are usually considered rare and hard to grow that is all part of their disinformation campaign. Nothing can be further from the truth. Orchids are everywhere. They grow on all continents except glaciers, they can be found in hot climates, tropical islands, the fridgid northern countries, and even your back yard. They live in trees, in soil, underground (yes one lives and blooms and never sees the sun) with or without regular water. There are more than 28,000 types of orchids dating back 100,000,000 years!!. Those plotting with them to take over the world, have hybridized more than 100,000 addiional varieties for what kind of purpose you might ask. Plus a special language that includes these clear secret words to identify each other, codes I am sure for all sorts of dastardly deeds like: synapomorphies, resupinate and the zygomorphism which I imagine is set to unleash untold havoc. Do be well informed. I recommend you read this “benign” article here:

However, all is not lost. I, posing as a normal tourist, penetrated one of the secret lairs of an Orchid enclave and photographed the Emperor of the Orchids seen here on his throne.

Here he is in the High Throne Room.

In this close up you can see he is, clearly angry I exposed him and set back the plans by months or even a decade. The FOI (Federal Orchid Investigation) team think this has bought the world at least another 7 years. However remain vigilant.

Wednesday Morning - Announcement Number Three by Dave Hileman

About the blog. I am changing how and when I post. This is the current plan, subject to change of course. I will post the Sunday Scripture as I have been but intend to add a bit more devotional aspect to it. You may note it is just a scripture on the photo but I hope to turn it into a paragraph or two on most weeks. Just a few thoughts based on the scripture in the photo.

Regular posting will now be Monday through Thursday each week. I expect over time to have four-day themes of a single subject, place or idea that I have photographed and to write a bit more as well. This will not happen every week, posting will be every week on those four days but the theme of some weeks will be miscellaneous:) I hope to get sufficient material to do themes most weeks. There will be no posts on Friday. Saturday is reserved for posts on restaurants or home cooking or ice cream, in other words food of some sort but If I have nothing to add on that subject there will be no Saturday post. I would guess most weeks there will be a Saturday post but this is a chance to learn a bit about food photography too.

The site will also be rebuilt and, I hope, refreshed. That may take longer than I have planned but the intention is to have it ready by the 19th when “regular scheduled programming may resume.” I wish to thank those of you who are regular viewers here and those who pop in occasionally. It is a great joy to share the wonderful world we inhabit.

An orchid from Longwood Gardens in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Tuesday Morning - Announcement Number Two by Dave Hileman

Jill and Dave and getting married. Yes, this is the big announcement and not a surprise if you read the blog post about the engagement. I am so blessed by this beautiful woman. The wedding is this Sunday afternoon. And I will write about it sometime after and share some photos in due time.

However, Two Lane Touring will be on hiatus starting Monday, August 5th until Sunday August 18th. I have done this blog for more than 11 years and in that time have posted every day except for 8 days last year. Regular photography will return on Monday the 19th but with a twist. That announcement is tomorrow. There might be a couple of photos after August 11th.

Monday Morning - Announcement Number One by Dave Hileman

It is not the most important announcement, however, it does affect the blog. I have sold the Oliver Travel Trailer. It has gone to a really fine man in Oregon, Jay, a former National Park Ranger. How fitting since the trailer was a major component of why I could visit and photograph so many parks. He arranged the transport from my house to Oregon with the fellow driving the pickup in the photo as the Oliver left my house. It did not go too well, sadly. It was not delivered in the same shape that it left Raleigh. While the story does not make sense the gist of it is that the solar panels did not arrive, at all! Are we know they did not “blow off.” Insurance is pursing an answer and I hope Jay gets all he deserves and some for the aggravation he has dealt with and dealt well with grace and good humor.

This is the end of a great season for me. The Oliver has been to 49 states - many more than once, and several provinces and territories in Canada. I towed it about 130,000 miles. It also allowed me to visit and photograph over 360 National Park sites. Am I giving up on the last ones? No. But the travel will not be weeks at a time nor limited to the US. I do still plan to reach over 400 parks.

In the eight years I owned Oliver, it was lived in about 28 months. The temperatures ranged from 13 to 98 and i was (mostly) comfortable. Meals were cooked and eaten, showers taken and card games played many times. Cindy and I stayed in commercial campgrounds occasionally but most often in state or National Parks. We also used Harvest Hosts extensively and boondocked at Cracker Barrel and Cabella’s frequently. We were more travelers than campers, two campfires in 8 years does not qualify you for any Scout Awards. And I am not counting the one that Rusty and I tried to start and could not until a lady nearby fixed it.

Great memories, lots of photos and the end to an amazing season of life. I wish Jay many happy miles.

Blooming by Dave Hileman

Just a tiny fraction of the flowers in the camellia gardens at Longwood Gardens near Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Hmmmm, what might the announcements be about??

Water Lily and Friend by Dave Hileman

At the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh is a reflection pool. I took this shot a couple of weeks ago on a walk on the grounds and liked the serenity of the scene. Plus a dragon fly! UPDATES start on 07/29

Lots of stories here... by Dave Hileman

…but I don’t recall exactly where “here” was. I was off the beaten path and a bit lost but what a well-maintained and beautiful building where I expect people have found ministry, hope, comfort and guidance for generations. Rumor is that TLT will have several news items next week, stay tuned.

Winter Kayak by Dave Hileman

This determined paddler was heading with the current on the Silver River in Silver Springs State Park, Florida. If you like to kayak on a beautiful river, no rapids, just great scenery and maybe a monkey or 30, manatee and abundant bird life, this park comes highly recommended. Remember next week announcements that shake up Two Lane Touring. Yes multiple announcements. I think CNN might cover.

And Your Guess is? by Dave Hileman

This is an abandoned building along Route 231 in Madison County, Virginia, one of my favorite roads. I bet you have some favorites roads, right? Please I hope someone else has such things! Anyway, what might this have been: store, house, post office, school, service station — thoughts? By the way, big announcements coming next week.

Wax Beans by Dave Hileman

A summer staple in my house growing up. I was fine with green or yellow beans, tasted the same to me. This is at a famers’ market in Clermont, Florida.