Thirty Days! / by Dave Hileman

We are in the final stages of preparation for the Alaska trip but while lots has been done we still have a bit to go. The truck is ready, new tires, new other stuff and the bed is reconfigured and largely packed. The generator has been serviced, tested and reinstalled in the back. Reservations for a bear adventure, Sitka, some campgrounds, contact with a couple of churches in Alaska and notes to friends along the way have been sent. We are packing up on Sunday night the food we have been buying along this winter and will make a new list out of what else we need. The trailer is clean inside, bed made and lots of extras stored. We will add two new storage areas on Tuesday. I ordered material you spray on the front to prevent rock chips - from 3M and will take care of that next weekend. Clothes are now being sorted and cool weather stuff stored. Our friend, Tom, is joining us for part of the trip so we are setting up more reservations and adventures.

Yay for new tires.

Yay for new tires.