Heading East to Go West / by Kellen Hileman

The journey to the start point was an easy drive. We departed around 8:00 and arrived in Wilmington at 10:15. Before heading out the car was packed and final prepped for the trip. After washing off all the pollen and cleaning the wheels, the car was pulled out of the sun into the garage and waxed with Meguiars Hybrid Ceramic Wax, giving it a solid coat of protection from the elements and the road. The trunk is packed with 2 suitcases, the roadside assistance bag, the tripods, extra shoes, and a duffel bag for larger extra items. In the backseat sits the all important snack box, with plenty of mixes, granola bars, and of course a gallon of water. The first aid kit sits on the floor along with the camera bag and Ryobi battery charger.
