New Lens Trial / by Dave Hileman

So, I have a very nice new to me lens, technically it is a largesse lens:) I took it to the park on Sunday afternoon to try it out but the walk was cut short to get an email sent to a friend who needed some information. However, it was still evident that it is a very good lens and fills a need I have but was really unaware that the gap in my lens collection was as large as it was. No longer true. I shot only about 20 photos, but I will get some more tomorrow and Wednesday to round out what I was trying to do. One of the images, the bluebird here, was taken from 40 feet or so and the bird at least 20 feet high in the tree. And behind branches. I would normally have taken a second photo using manual focus to clear the tree branches but the bluebird had other ideas and flew up and away. But the point was still clear, this is a good medium distance bird lens and MUCH smaller and easier to carry than my other option. And super clear; the branches and detail of the tree - exceptional. And I decided to still show it here because the bird was not only nicely framed but inquisitive. So I will share a few more this week and then the lens will be just a regular part of the TLT arsenal. And a big thanks for the amazing gift.