The Low County is basically coastal South Carolina though it may include a part of Georgia. These are some shots from my week there a couple of weeks ago. First up is Fort Moultrie. It is a part of the Charleston defense system in place before the Civil War and while the National Historical Park is known as “Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie” the latter is not very well known even though it was an active fort well before the Civil War and was manned until the end of WWII. This fort was used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter that opened the drama we know as the American Civil War.
Fort Sumter is mostly hidden behind the tree in the center of the photo but the cannon is one that was used in the opening days of the Civil War. This is a more tranquil scene with kites, bikers, beach walkers and dogs along the beach.
Tugs ply these harbor waters all day. Fort Sumter is visible on the horizon in the right of the photo.
THis 35 star flag was an authorized flag for two years 1863 and 1864 the new star representing West Virginia. The tower is q WWII observation and communication addition.