Washington - Seattle - Señor Moose / by Dave Hileman

Mexican food unlike any chain restaurant Mexican food I ever ate. George and Dottie, friends in Seattle, took us to this unimposing restaurant in north Seattle. It was amazing. All sorts of different dishes, strong flavors, large portions and just excellent food. What a treat. From their web site: “At Señor Moose, we celebrate comida tipica, the cooking found in central plateau Mexico’s fondas and backroom kitchens. From moment one I have written down recipes, watched and made notes as I have talked to women in fondas (small homey restaurants) road side places, houses and markets, most often in the states of Michoacan, Jalisco and Nayarit.” And this difference shows in the dishes, the spices and the variety. I hope we are able to return someday to this restaurant or find some other place that follows a similar food philosophy. Highly recommend. A Cadillac 5 Antler restaurant.


They brought us six different salsas. All were good.

They brought us six different salsas. All were good.